@include('Tamplet-Parts-AR.head-AR') @include('Tamplet-Parts-AR.header') {{-- Our Projects AR Start --}} {{-- Top Part Start --}}
projects page hero image
@foreach ($cards as $card) @php $url = $card->url; $slug = trim($url, '/'); @endphp @endforeach
@foreach ($cards as $card) @php $url = $card->url; $slug = trim($url, '/'); @endphp @endforeach
{{-- Top Part End --}} {{--
{!! $sektor->svg_path !!}

{{ $sektor->title }}

--}} {{-- Here I call the sektor how has ID in projets table then I call set the id of sektor in array then if I have more then one data of projets in same sektor id I but the sektor ID in this array after add it to page , then when I call agin The code make sure if the sektor ID isn't in this array. --}} {{-- Projects Part Start --}}
{{-- Education Compain Start --}} @php $processedIds = []; @endphp @foreach ($allProjects as $project_head) @php $project_sektorID = $project_head->sektor_id; @endphp @if (!in_array($project_sektorID, $processedIds)) @php $SelectredSektor = $sektors->where('id', $project_sektorID)->first(); $randomNumber = rand(0, 100); $randomNumber2 = rand(0, 100); @endphp

{!! $SelectredSektor->svg_path !!}

{{ $SelectredSektor->title }}

@php $processedIds[] = $project_sektorID; @endphp @endif
    @php $project_Cards = $allProjects->where('sektor_id', $project_sektorID)->all(); @endphp @foreach ($project_Cards as $project_Card)
  • {{ $project_Card->subTitle }}

    {{ $project_Card->description }}

  • @endforeach
@endforeach {{-- Education Compain End --}} {{-- Food Compain Start --}}
{{-- Projects Part END --}} @include('Tamplet-Parts-AR.footerAR')